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Date: 1998-07-23

SPAM: Pro Mail bis zu 1000 Dollar Strafe

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Im Bundesstaate Washington ist nach Inkraft/treten eines
Anti/Spam/Gesetzes, welches es Otto Normal/user ermöglicht,
gegen Massenmailer gerichtlich vorzugehen, der erste Fall
Die Strafen belaufen sich auf 500 bis 1000 U.S. Dollar pro
unverlangter Massenmail.

relayed by

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-+By Michael J. Martinez

I S S A Q U A H, Wash., July 22 — When Washington passed its
anti-spam law, Adam Engst hadn’t really thought of suing,
even when the first e-mail from WorldTouch Networks showed
up in his mailbox. By the time the 20th e-mail showed up, he
had already called his lawyer. The new law in Washington
state, only the second such law in the nation, allows
everyday e-mail users to go after spammers in civil court.
Even though the law is fairly narrow, the first lawsuit has
already been filed, and another company already reached a
settlement with a different e-mail user. Washington may be
one of the first, but chances are it won’t be the last.
Other states may soon launch anti-spam efforts, and a series
of anti-spam bills are being considered in Congress.

Spams Selling Spam Software Engst, author of a number of
computer books and publisher of the Internet newsletter
TidBITS, filed suit on Friday in King County Superior Court
against WorldTouch, a Los Angeles-based mass marketer. Since
the anti-spam bill was signed June 11, Engst, his wife,
Tonya, and two contractors for his newsletter, Geoff Duncan
and Jeff Carlson, have received more than 100 advertisements
for Bull’s Eye Gold, a program that crawls the Web,
gathering valid e-mail addresses. “I think of this as a
community service we’re doing,” Engst says at his home
office near Seattle. “This is just to show people that this
is an unacceptable way of doing business, and maybe they
won’t do it again in Washington.” It’s only a matter of time
before others join Engst in the courts. And the state is
ready to help out if need be. “We will certainly be looking
to take action against spammers,” says Janice Mairch of the
state attorney general’s office. “We’re already taking
complaints on our Web site, and while that’s not what we
base our final decisions on, it’s our Number One indicator
of who might be breaking this law.”

State Targets False Senders Washington’s law is fairly
simple. In order for an e-mail to be considered true spam,
it must be commercial in nature, unwanted by the user, and
either the return e-mail address must be nonfunctional or
the subject line must be misleading. In other words, if you
can’t tell what the mail is about by reading the subject
line or you can’t reply to the the sender to tell him to
remove you from their list, you can sue. The law says e-mail
users can collect $500 per e-mail, and those running the
e-mail server can collect $1,000 per e-mail. “In many ways,
it parallels the junk fax statute,” says Engst’s lawyer,
Brady Johnson. “I think it’ll be upheld if there’s a
challenge to its validity.” The federal junk fax statute
makes it a crime to send unsolicited commercial faxes, and
allows for damages of up to $1,500 per fax.

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published on: 1998-07-23
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