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Date: 1998-09-01

Bill verstoesst gegen Kinderschutz der FTC

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Bill verstoesst gegen Kinderschutz der FTC

Schon wieder Bill. Diesmal der andere, indem er gegen die
eigenen Privacy Guidelines der Federal Trade Commission in
Sachen Kinderschutz verstösst, meint die NY Times.

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WASHINGTON August 31, 1998-- When it comes to online
privacy, it seems that the Clinton administration has not
been practicing what it preaches.

Only a handful of the administration's sites on the World
Wide Web post the kinds of privacy guidelines that the
Federal Trade Commission recently criticized businesses for
failing to post, and none of the administration's sites
offer the special protections for children that the
government recommends for commercial sites.
For example, the White House site collects e-mail addresses
-- and in some cases, home addresses -- through links that
allow visitors to send electronic messages to President and
Mrs. Clinton and Vice President Al Gore and Mrs. Gore. Yet,
it does not provide any notice about how that information
will be used by the White House. Nor does the site ask
visitors to its special children's pages to consult their
parents before divulging personal information, as the
administration has recommended.
"It's really a matter of practicing what they preach," said
David Banisar, senior policy analyst and staff counsel at
the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a public interest
research group in Washington. "They have been pushing notice
and consent, and they can't even do it themselves. They
really have a dismal record on this."
The administration has endorsed child-protection legislation
that was introduced in response to the FTC report. It has
also endorsed new self-regulation guidelines and enforcement
procedures recently proposed by the Online Privacy Alliance,
a coalition of businesses and associations that seeks to
foster privacy protections. Those guidelines call for all
Internet businesses to clearly post policies concerning the
use and collection of personal information, and they require
Web site operators to obtain parental approval before
gathering data from children.

Yet, despite the administration's support for these
measures, the White House Web site collects information from
children without parental notification. Within a special
children's section on the site, a White House tour led by
cartoon caricatures of the "First Pets," Buddy the dog and
Socks the cat, ends with an invitation to send e-mail to
President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton or Vice President
Al Gore.
full text reg/istr/ierungs/pflicht/ig

Wer ohnehin nur 1mal in die NY Times gucken möchte, kann es
mit "qdepesche" & "freiabo" beim login probieren ;)

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-09-01
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