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Date: 1998-09-02

Dual Use: Micro/soft übernimmt NSA/Software

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Micro/soft rüstet NT mit einem Scrambler namens Fortezza
auf, der zwar nicht dem Kriterium "geheim" aber immerhin dem
Kriterium "vertraulich" in U.S. Regierungsstellen genügt.
Bruce Schneier sagt dazu "besser als gar nichts", Dave
Banisar von EPIC meint schlicht "Schrott" dazu.

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Kristen Philipkoski 4:00am 1.Sep.98.PDT
Microsoft announced Monday that it will add support in its
Windows NT products for a US government encryption protocol
used to scramble sensitive, but nonclassified,
communications. The Fortezza protocol was recently
declassified, opening the door for third-party developers
like Microsoft to use it in commercial software products.

But before Microsoft can sell its Fortezza-encrypted Windows
NT products to government agencies, it must pass a test
implemented by the National Institute of Standards
Technology (NIST) called the Federal Information Processing
Standard (FIPS). The FIPS 140-1 test describes the
government's requirements for hardware and software products
using encryption.
"It will make security a little bit easier," said Bruce
Schneier, author of Applied Cryptography and president of
Counterpane Systems. "Now it will get wider use. Its a lot
better than no Fortezza. Theres nothing less secure than a
product that isnt used."

The algorithms for Fortezza and other government encryption
protocols were classified until 23 June when the National
Security Agency (NSA) released the codes for use in
commercial software.
David Banisar, policy director at the Electronic Privacy
Information Center said the Fortezza standard is "slow,
dumb, and it doesnt do a very good job.... Five years ago,
they announced the Fortezza card and the clipper chip and
said 'No, we cant give you that because it will threaten the
national security.' The thing went nowhere, they shut down
the security lines. They realized no one wants to use this
full text

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-09-02
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