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Date: 1998-11-18

JUST IN: Microsoft verliert Prozess gegen Sun

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Laut dem lange erwarteten & genau zur Comdex 98 gefällten
Urteil im Langzeitprozess muss Microsoft binnen 90 Tagen,
alle Produkte, die "polluted Java" enthalten, vom Markt
nehmen. A "stinging defeat" sagte CNNs Lou Dobbs,
allgemein wird erwartet, dass dieses Urteil eine wesentliche
Rolle im laufenden Kartellprozess gegen Microsoft spielen
wird. hat die Story momentan anscheinend exklusiv im
Netz, weil man woanders ganz mit der Comdex oder den
Lewinsky-Tapes beschäftigt war.
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Jeff Pelline
November 17, 1998, 3:00 p.m. PT

A U.S. District Court judge today ruled on a preliminary
injunction in the lawsuit brought by Sun Microsystems
against Microsoft, and, according to Sun, "the court found
that Sun is likely to prevail on the merits and granted Sun's
request for injunction."

Sun's statement went on to say: "The court ordered that if
Microsoft ships products that include the Java technology, it
must change those products within 90 days to address their
failure to pass Sun's compatibility test suite."

In a statement, Microsoft said, "We are disappointed in the
court's ruling and are assessing our legal options while we
comply with the court's order. We are disappointed in Sun's
shortsighted legal strategy, which is limiting choice for
customers and developers."

Sun sued Microsoft in October 1997 for breach of contract,
alleging that Microsoft's Java implementation failed to pass
compatibility tests required in its licensing agreement.

In May 1988, Sun filed companion motions seeking a
preliminary injunction based on allegations of copyright
infringement and unfair competition, Microsoft said in a
recent regulatory filing.
Sun's statement today concluded: "While this case proceeds
through the court, we'll continue to use our enormous energy
in the marketplace--as will the other companies that are the
cornerstones of the Java technology industry--to deliver high
performing Java technology that outperforms Microsoft's
incompatible technology."

Full Text,4,28937,00.html
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published on: 1998-11-18
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