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Date: 1999-01-23

Grosser Bruder Intel wieder etwas kleiner

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q/depesche 99.1.23/2
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Grosser Bruder Intel wieder etwas kleiner

Es ist ein halber Rückzieher, wenn Intel jetzt, nachdem die
Pläne zur Prozessoren/Hardware/Identifikation Wirbel
geschlagen haben, dass der Konsument die automatische
Identifizierung jederzeit abschalten könne. Ein blaues Icon
soll am Desktop jederzeit vermelden, ob der Rechner grade
identifizierbar oder anonym im Netze ist.

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Michael Kanellos and Tim Clark
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 23:57:30 The security codes to be
embedded in Intel's Pentium III processor canpotentially be
misused to identify and collect data on Web surfers, some
privacy advocates warn. But Intel argues that the technology
will actually make the Net a safer place.
Critics claim that the number scheme can be used to monitor
the Internet habits of virtually anyone with a modern, Intel-
based computer.

Intel countered that the serial number will actually improve
security. The Web sites in the trials, for instance, will use the
serial number as a third form of identification, complementing
the user name and password schemes currently in place,
said Pat Gelsinger, corporate vice president of the Desktop
Products Group at Intel. ...

In any event, Intel won't be stepping into the shoes of Big
Brother any time soon, Gelsinger added. "We are not
keeping those processor numbers in any form at all," he
said, which means Intel shipping records won't be turned into
a police log. Users can also disable and re-enable the serial
number scheme at will. ...
Web sites, for example, may require user name, password,
and processor serial number before giving access to certain
pages. An agent from the Web site reads the processor
number to ensure authenticity. ....
Identification, Gelsinger said, is also a voluntary process. A
blue number sign will appear in the Windows control shelf
[the series of icons at the bottom right corner of the screen]
whenever the serial number is enabled. By clicking the icon,
users can pull up a control panel to disable it so outside
agents can't read the serial number. ...

Privacy advocates, however, see a high potential for misuse
in the system, although they admit that the specific negative
implications of the scheme are difficult to pin down because
it hasn't rolled out yet. Many also seem to fear retribution
from the company. Few are willing to go on the record so far.

"Intel's product has some serious security and privacy
implications. It is really incumbent on the folks who are
developing technology, folks in the policy community, and
folks in advocacy community to look at code as having
serious social implications," said Deirdre Mulligan, staff
counsel at the Center for Democracy and Technology, a
nonprofit civil liberties organization focusing on the Internet

"The hard part is figuring out the implications. Until it's put
out into the marketplace, it is difficult to tell," she added.
"Like law, software code has great social implications for
privacy and speech."

full text,4,31309,00.html?

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-01-23
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