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Date: 2001-09-13

Kommt jetzt der Krieg ins Netz?

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q/depesche 01.9.13/5

Kommt jetzt der Krieg ins Netz?

Nach einer Menge von Response, wie er in den 40 Monaten der
Existenz dieses Newsletters noch nicht vermerkt ward, ist es
gegen den heutig Abend zu, ruhig geworden - wie auch auf anderen
Listen und in weiten Teilen den des Internet.
In der FuZo harrt eine Umfrage einer Beantwortung:

Kommt jetzt der Krieg ins Netz?

Und hier ist eines der Ergebnisse eines langen, kommunikativen

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New Scientist

Intelligence technology may not stop terrorists

17:21 13 September 01 Will Knight

A key question arising from the terrorist atrocities that rocked the
US on Tuesday is why the intelligence services failed to provide
any prior warning.

Some analysts believe that over-reliance on technology-based
surveillance may have led to such a catastrophic lack of
awareness. Erich Moechel, an Austrian journalist specialising in
international intelligence, believes there has been a lack of
investment in human intelligence work.

"Over the last couple of years, they have been running in the wrong
direction," Moechel told New Scientist. "They have concentrated
too much on signals intelligence and not human intelligence.
Terrorism is essentially low tech."

However, Magnus Ranstorp, a terrorism expert from St Andrews
University in Scotland, says that infiltrating certain organisations
with secret agents can be almost impossible in practice.

"To get inside the head of an organisation you need people in place
for a long time and that is not easy. Often you are born into them,"
he says.


Special tnx an die quintessentials miller & bademeister

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edited by Harkank
published on: 2001-09-13
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