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Date: 2001-12-25

US: Digital Angel und Sexualverbrecher

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Wie in einer Presseaussendung Anfang November angekündigt,
wird das GPS basierte Trackingsystem Digital Angel in einem
Pilotprojekt des Orange County in Kalifornien zum Überwachen von
Sexualverbrechern auf Bewährung eingesetzt werden.

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O.C. to Track Sex Criminals With GPS December 23, 2001 By

Orange County is taking what some civil libertarians consider
troubling steps to keep tabs on released sex offenders, giving them
periodic lie detector tests and, starting next year, requiring some to
wear wristbands linked to satellite tracking systems.

The county will become the first in the state, and one of only a
dozen or so nationwide, to track sex offenders on parole and
probation with global positioning satellites, which allow officials to
pinpoint offenders' locations around the clock.

Authorities said the tracking and lie detector tests represent
powerful deterrents for offenders and could also tip off police to
crimes the probationers might commit. "It is a controversial issue
for us. But our primary concern is the protection of the
community," said Bill Daniel, director of special operations for the
Orange County Probation Department.

"It goes against our conscience to just warehouse someone for
three years as a sex offender and provide them minimum
supervision and send them out to the community without the help
they need to prevent them from doing this again," Daniel said.

But critics say that probationers--even those convicted of sexual
molestation--have the right to visit the market or post office without
the government monitoring their every move.

"That sounds awfully Big Brotherish to me, to track people
wherever they go and whatever they do," said Orange County
Deputy Public Defender James Merwin.

The use of GPS to track probationers and parolees has not
triggered any legal challenges of which the American Civil Liberties
Union is aware of, but it has not been without controversy.
Authorities in Texas came under attack earlier this year when it
was learned that GPS monitoring had failed to prevent the alleged
sexual molestation of a 6-year-old boy by a parolee wearing a
tracking bracelet.

Both misdemeanor and felony sex offenders end up under
Probation Department supervision. Currently, there are about 400
convicted sex offenders on probation or parole in Orange County.
By taking polygraph tests, offenders are more likely to tell the truth
during counseling sessions and therefore can more easily confront
and deal with their problems, Daniel said.

"To be successful treating sex offenders, we need them to be
completely honest," he said.

Those whom the Probation Department considers the most likely
to commit more sex crimes will end up wearing wristbands
equipped with electronic transmitters. If one of those sex offenders
nears a school or other location off-limits to them under state law,
probation officers could swoop in and detain him, Daniel said.


Copyright 2001 Los Angeles Times


Applied Digital Solutions' Digital Angel Unit Agrees To One Year
Pilot Program For Real-time Monitoring of Parolees In Los angeles

California Governors Office of Criminal Justice and Planning and
Department of Corrections signed an agreement with Digital Angel
Corporation for miniaturized global positioning (GPS) and advanced
warning technology system

PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Nov 7, 2001 - Applied Digital Solutions,
Inc. (NASDAQ:ADSX) today announced that its Digital Angel
subsidiary has signed an agreement with the California Governors
Office of Criminal Justice and Planning and the Department of
Corrections for a parolee monitoring pilot program. The one-year
pilot program, which will employ miniaturized global positioning
system (GPS) and advanced warning technologies, will take place
Los Angeles County.

Using Digital Angels advanced location and monitoring
technologies, State authorities will be able to monitor the location
of parolees on a real-time basis. The system will help law
enforcement officials keep track of parolees to determine if they
have violated the terms of their parole. The one-year pilot will
enable Digital Angel Corporation to work closely with the Governors
Office of Criminal Justice and Planning, the California Department
of Corrections, and local authorities in demonstrating the
effectiveness of its advanced GPS Security and Location systems.

Amro Albanna, an Officer of Digital Angel Corporation and
President of the Operation Center based in Riverside, California,
said: This monitoring system is a cost-effective community-service
program. The system is designed not only to monitor the location
of parolees, but also to provide the appropriate authorities with an
advanced warning when violations occur. We hope this program will
serve as a model for other counties in the state, Mr. Albanna added.


Copyright © 2001 Digital Angel Corporation An Applied Digital
Solutions Company

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edited by Harkank
published on: 2001-12-25
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