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Date: 1998-06-10

Washington: : Crypto Industrie trifft FBI Chef

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Crypto Industrie trifft FBI Chef

Schwierig wirds, voraussagt Bei der gerade zu Ende gegangenen EPIC Tagung (Electronic
Privacy Information Centre) hat die Industrie gegen die offizielle Regierungspolitik ordentlich auf
den Putz gehaut.

By Steven J. Allen
Special to CNET NEWS.COM
June 9, 1998, 10:35 a.m. PT

update WASHINGTON--If a heated debate
yesterday over federal encryption export rules is
any indication, today's meeting between industry
executives and the director of the FBI may prove
to be difficult.

Yesterday representatives on both sides of the
crypto debate refused to give ground.

During the Electronic Privacy Information Center's
(EPIC) encryption conference, which concludes
today, lawmakers who favor unlimited access to
data security technologies continue to blast the
White House policy that restricts the export of
strong encryption. The rules also require that
products eventually support key-recovery systems,
which let investigators access secure email or
computer files.,4,22937,00.html?

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-06-10
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