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Date: 1998-07-18

Boeses Sicherheits/loch im Navigator

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Wer Netscape ab 4.0 benützt, hat ein Sicherheits/problem.
Bösartige Java applets können die "security controls" des
Brausers ausschalten, womit er schutzlos gegen Angriffe
aller Arten ist.
Netscape spielt den Fall herunter, die Entdecker des Bugs
machen für die Unsicherheit auf Java's "security
architecture" zurück.
Nur für die 4.5 Betaversion des Navig/ & Communic/ator wurde
das Sicherheits/loch geflickt

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CNET NEWS.COM July 17, 1998, 12 p.m.

Just in the nick of time for its Communicator 4.5 beta
release, Netscape Communications has moved to fix a serious
security hole that affects certain versions of its Web

The flaw, discovered and brought to Netscape's attention by
the Secure Internet Programming group at Princeton
University, lets a malicious Java applet disable the
browser's security controls, leaving the user's computer
defenseless against attacks over the Internet.

"The potential consequences are as severe as they could be,"
said SIP director Edward Felten. "Once you penetrate the
security of the browser, then there isn't more protection.
Someone can write an applet that can seize control of the
victim's machine and delete or modify files, spread viruses,
or whatever."
While emphasizing that the company takes all security
breaches seriously, Netscape executives downplayed the
threat posed by this particular hole.
The flaw, which affects only versions 4.0x of Netscape's
Navigator browser, lies in the implementation of what are
called "class loaders" in the Java programming language.
These units load and put together classes, or units of Java
code, within the Java virtual machine (JVM), the software
that lets applications written in Java run on multiple
While the flaw discovered in this case is specific to the
Navigator 4.0x browsers, Felten and his group lay much of
the blame with the Java security architecture.
Princeton's SIP notified Netscape last week about the hole,
and the company said it had patched the hole in time for the
beta release of Communicator 4.5. For those using
Communicator Versions 4.01 to 4.05, Netscape in the next few
weeks will post another revision of the 4.0x browser with
the hole patched.

Full text,4,24335,00.html,25,24335,00.html?
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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-07-18
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