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Date: 1998-08-05

Brand/neu: Micro/soft - Tote Kuehe testen

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q/depesche 98.8.5/1
updating 98.8.2./1

Brand/neu: Micro/soft - Tote Kühe testen

Hat der Cult der toten Kühe tat/sächlich zugeschlagen? Was
kann das sagenum/witterte "Back Orifice" wirklich? Alles
Windows = alles ferngesteuert?

Brand/neu zum Testen, hier ist das Programm

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The Back Orifice Server Contains the Following Functionality
System control Get detailed sysetm information including
current user, cpu type, windows version, memory usage,
mounted disks (including hard drives, cdroms, removable
drives and remote network drives) and information for those
drives, the screensaver password, and passwords cached by
the user (including dialup passwords, www passwords, network
passwords and any other password cached by the operating
system). Create dialog boxes with the text of your choice,
log keystrokes. Lockup or reboot the machine.

File system control Copy, rename, delete, view, and search
files and directories. File compression and decompression.

Process control List, kill, and spawn processes.

Registry control List, create, delete and set keys and
values in the registry.

Network control View all accessable network resources, all
incoming and outgoing connections, list, create and delete
network connections, list all exported resources and their
passwords, create and delete exports.

Multimedia control Play wav files, capture screen shots, and
capture video or still frames from any video input device
(like a Quickcam).

Packet redirection Redirect any incomming tcp or udp port to
any other ip and port.

Application redirection Spawn most console application (such
as on any tcp port, allowing control of
applications via a telnet session.

HTTP server Upload and download files on any port using a
www client such as netscape.

Integrated packet sniffer Monitor network packets, logging
any plaintext passwords that pass.

Plugin interface Write your own plugins and execute the
native code of your choice in BOs hidden system process.

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Download free PGP 5.5.3i (Win95/NT & Mac)

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-08-05
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