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Date: 1998-09-13

ITalien: Porno/Hypes & Kinderschutz

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Was sich an Ein/schlägigem einen Sprachraum weiter südlich
tut, hat Giancarlo Livraghi (ALCEI) analysiert.
Wie alles Negative enthält auch diese Nachricht eine Spur
von Trost: Dass nämlich Ignoranz & Heuchelei von Medien &
Politik in puncto Kinder/missbrauch &
Informationstechnologien nicht nur bei uns dahaom zuhause

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Giancarlo Livraghi <>

The Italian law on "protection of minors" is a rather
unpleasent example of hypocritical legislation that doesn
nothing to solve the problem but tries to appease public
opinion by making penalties more severe and being vague in
places, so that innocent pepole can be persecuted. In
addition to that, it contanis specific references to the
internet that are totally useless but of course tend to
"criminalize" net use and encourage censorship.

What's even worse is the behavior of media (especially press
and television). There has been for years a frequent
trickle of news (often false) relating the net to
"pornography", "paedophilia" and oyjer "crimes", to the
point that most people now (including some that are supposed
to be militant in the defense of fredom of opinion) see that
as "routine".

The results of what is reported as "the biggest worldwide
investigation ever on child pornography on the internet" are
very modest indeed. Three people were arrested in Italy,
and none of them are accused of ever having harmed a

I know it's a worldwide problem... but believe, here it's
worse. There were press reports recently (Septemmber 3 and
following days) on something called "operation Cathedral"
that allegedly was an international crackdown on
"paedophiles" using the net to exchange pictures (involving
police forces in California and in Austria, Belgium,
Britain, France, Finland and Russia). As far as I can see,
there wasn't much of a media echo on this in other
countries, but in Italy it was monumental... front-page
headlines in most newspapers, reports on peak-time TV, etc.
To the point that the President of the Republic made a
speech about it suggesting that people involved in such
activities should have a stone tied to their necks and be
trown into the depth of the ocean (using a quotation from
the gospel - he is a militant catolic). The Pope hasn't
come out (so far) on this specific subject, but has been
talking about "the harms of techonology".

A full-scale witchhount. It's not easy to get information
about people being "victimised" in all sorts of places, as
they are very scared; but we *know* that many *totally*
innocent people (inculding several that had nothing to do
with the internet) have been put into extremely embarassing
siotuations, if not jailed; and some have been seriously
harmed, lost their jobs, were exposed to hate in their
neighborhoods, etc. - while none of the acrivity resulting
from the law (or even before that from the "drive" abainst
"paedopèhiles" etc) has done anyting about the child abuse
that unfortunately exists in many places (including schools,
churches and families).

A lot of material has been produced on this subject, but
it's in Italian. (If anyone reads Italian... see and
Is this a local problem? I don't know. It's been reported
by local media that Wolfgang Schuessel, foreign minister of
Austria, is planning to bring this subject to the General
Assembly of the United Nations on Seoptember 17-18.

I dont' have the legal competence to discuss the flaws of
the law; I am leaving that to Alcei's new chairman, Andrea
Monti <> who is a lawyer with specific
competence in these matters. Of course he is reading a copy
of this message.

Giancarlo Livraghi <>

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published on: 1998-09-13
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