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Date: 1998-09-27

SAP: Neues Image, Happy Users

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Recht nötig hat ein neues Image eine markt/führende Company,
die in Firmen alles querver/knüpfen kann: Buchhaltung &
Telefonzeiten, Stechuhr & Faxe, Briefwechsel, Toilettebesuch
& Lager/haltung. Jetzt fährt man eine Campaign für "happy
users" & hübsche Applikationen.
Auf beiliegenden Instruktions CDs zum Programme gibt SAP
genaue Anweisungen für die Schef/etagen, wie man die
virtuell gewonnenen Daten mit real/life Beobachtungen der
Mitarbeiter (Kleidung als Parameter & c) zu rundum
kompletten Persönlichkeitsprofilen verknüpft.

post/scrypt: Hat da schon wieder wer "Spitzelsoftware"

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Randy Weston
LOS ANGELES--SAP has lost its religion, blaspheming its
once-holy message of tight integration between software
applications as the key to enterprise resource planning.

Beyond breaking up its tightly integrated package of
applications--designed to automate corporate functions such
as general ledger, order entry management, and inventory
management--the German software giant it is now preaching
that integration is no longer even important.

So what is important now? According to SAP, happy users and
"pretty looking" applications.

SAP is launching a two-pronged campaign to change its image
and make its applications easier to use and to understand.
The company is trying to shed its image as a maker of a
highly technical software system that requires a master's
degree in R/3 to understand.

full story,5,26792,00.html
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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-09-27
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