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Date: 1998-11-01

Zensur in YU: Telekom/minister gebuegelt

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Zensur in YU: Telekom/minister gebuegelt

Offene Worte sind in der vom Marketing/wahnsinn
durchtränkten Medienwelt des Westens selten geworden. Sie
fallen dort, wo die Tyrannis noch unverschämt mit Mitteln der
direkten Repression agiert. Wir geben dieses Dokument der
Wut aus dem mittleren Osten Europas im Volltext wieder,
weil es durch seine berührende & von allem taktischen Kalkül
freie Direktheit die Verhältnisse zwischen unabhängigen
Medien & diktatorischem Regime aufs grauslichste illustriert.
Der offene Brief stammt von Milos Vasic, dem Vorsitzenden
der Assoziation unabhängiger Journalisten Serbiens.
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Belgrade, October 28, 1998

To Information Minister Aleksandar Vucic


Minister Vucic:

Enough is enough! Serbia needs not an information minister
apt to lie twice a week. So far, liars have spread the truth
about Serbia. And that&rsquo;s why we have what we have.
Minister Vucic, you are a layman in lies: you simply don't
know how to do it and you have no talent. That is
encouraging as there still is a chance for your salvation.
There still is a hope for you and that is why I am writing.

In a magazine I work for, I have already called you a liar. I did
it because on that unfortunate night - when your officials were
anti-constitutionally, illegally and arbitrarily closing down two
dailies &ndash; you claimed you "haven&rsquo;t the faintest
idea" about it. As an information minister, you lied to

Your next lie was a much more serious one. Late on October
22, when asked in an interview why there had been no public
debate on the draft information law, you replied:
"What&rsquo;s a public debate? That was characteristic of
the socialist system." However, the front page of the draft
information law submitted to the parliamentary deputies
bears an explanation saying that the draft has been made
following a comprehensive public debate in Serbia. Who did
you lie to and when? Did you lie to parliamentary deputies by
your written explanation or did you lie in the quoted interview?
Well, let me tell you. You lied to the People's Assembly in
your ministerial capacity, since there could have been no
public debate on the draft law, hidden away as a top secret
(out of shame, I suppose).

Then, on October 23, you told a press conference in cold
blood that the People's Assembly of Serbia has
"unanimously adopted" the law. It seems, Minister Vucic,
that you are learning your lessons in advance. The Assembly
would "unanimously" adopt such scandalous and anti-
constitutional laws only if you and your accomplices
managed to turn Serbia into a one-party, totalitarian
dictatorship. As I can see, you are going all out to make that

At the same press conference, you argued that "the public
prosecutor starts a legal procedure." As a graduate student
of law, you should have known that in this system there is no
public prosecutor to start any legal procedure. Perhaps he
might in some future system of yours. Just don't tell me,
Minister Vucic, that you didn't know that at the same point
your press conference took place the city magistrate for
petty offenses has already had his hands full with acting in
line with charges made by a group of people that calls itself
"the Patriotic Alliance of Belgrade." You did know. Is your
ministry due - as a supervisory body cited by the law - to
start a procedure with a relevant court or is it a duty - for God
knows what reason - of a public prosecutor? Are your going
to denounce the measures taken against the Evropljanin
magazine on the grounds of false identification by the
accusers? Who's in charge of starting a procedure, Minister?
The public prosecutor or your ministry? Who's in charge of
"warning" journalists, as stipulated by the law? The public
prosecutor or your ministry? Your haven't read, Minister, your
own law!

So, Minister Vucic, do resign since enough is enough! You
haven't even read the law that you had yourself proposed and
explained before parliamentary deputies. This is an insult to
the People's Assembly and to the common sense. Your
behavior has already inflicted irreparable moral and political
damage to the Republic of Serbia, to its judiciary and
legislature, to its reputation and dignity, but also to your own.
The anti-constitutional, illegal and scandalous trial has also
inflicted &ndash; again in an anti-constitutional and illegal
way - irreparable damage to and violated basic constitutional
and civil rights of a publishing house and three innocent
people, sentenced to the confiscation of their property. If you
don&rsquo;t put an end to that scandal and if their property is
robbed, your name, reputation and honor will be marred
forever. But that's your funeral! However, the name, reputation
and honor of the Republic of Serbia are my funeral, too. If you
want to save your face and be a human being - simply resign.

Though, all things considered, there is an alternative. Just
submit to the Serbian parliament another law, similar to this
one or - preferably - the one that you have replaced by this
legal monster. Give it a thought! Your law is a premature
infant in terms of law, politics and ethic, it's more like an
unsuccessful than a successful abortion. Your law is a
monster, Mr. Minister, while its application - or, to put it
better, its whipping up - contrary to precise provisions even of
such a monster law, points out to your objective: to abolish
free press in Serbia and introduce censorship. How else can
one interpret your statement at the same press conference:
"The punishments are not proscribed because someone
wants them to be applied, but to act preventively."
Preventively means, Mr. Minister, that the Serbian press and
radio stations are supposed to predict what may be thoughts
or feelings by some sorts of "patriotic alliances", public
prosecutors, you, your associates, etc., as it is unclear
who's in charge of starting a procedure. The true censorship
is much better. Therefore, Mr. Minister, why not change the
law, introduce censors and delegate them to editorial offices
so that they can preventively scrutinize articles, photographs,
radio and TV programs? Thus we could at least be able to
work normally and play up to the clear, though enforced
rules. Even that is better than this violence of legality,
constitution, ethics and human decency.

Why didn't your ministry respect the information law by
sending a prior warning to the Evropljanin magazine? Is it
because you were ashamed to issue a written order on how
the Serbian press should be made and thus acknowledge
that the censorship had been installed? And wasn't it? Be
brave, be a man and start issuing notices so that we know
our places and know what we are not to write about. Be
consistent and brave: just tell us openly that you have
introduced a preventive censorship, so that we can respect
you for your sincerity if we already despise you for choking
free press that is unprecedented in Serbia for over 150 years.

Minister Vucic, the proposal, the adoption and the application
of what you call a law on public information has implied a
number of crimes that will sooner or later bring offenders to
justice. I am urged by my sense of civil duty, patriotism and
justice to make charges against you and your accomplices.
That's what I will do when I deem it appropriate.

I will charge you with the attack against the constitutional
order, the misuse of your office, the damage to the Republic
of Serbia's reputation, the violation of equal rights for all, the
prevention to print and distribute the printed matter, the
negligence of your duties, the sabotage, the illegal influence
on the state bodies, the illegal seizure of other persons'
movables, the transgression of private property, etc. These
deeds have resulted in a considerable material damage and
an unmeasurable political one. We shall, therefore, demand
that you, being a recidivist, be taken into custody. I refuse to
believe that the public prosecutor might rule out my charges.
The worst crimes quoted herein are not subject to the statute
of limitations. Neither will your immunity nor your string of
luck last forever, Minister Vucic. Think of future and try not to
be taken over by your accomplices' actual panic.

Should you fail to do anything, Minister Vucic, be aware (as
you probably are) that the further application of this brutal and
muddy law paves the way to a totalitarian dictatorship in
Serbia and thus to a possible civil war. If you want to share
the responsibility of a possible bloodshed, say it straight
away. I don&rsquo;t want to and, hopefully, neither do you.
But take care, Minister, because politics stands for an exact
science. If you suppress free press as the highest
democratic standard and the basic rule in a democratic
state, can you guarantee that your accomplices' ruling
coalition will not want to close the deal by imposing a
totalitarian regime? Will your accomplices be able to resist
the sweet temptations of a dictatorship and total political,
moral and criminal unliability? You know them, Minister
Vucic, better than I do. Are you ready to share the
responsibility for Serbia's ill fortune? Say if you are. This law
and its muddy application are gradually imposing a
dictatorship. You are the one who challenges. But are you
sure that you will win the conflict that threatens us all?

The hour has come, Minister Vucic. Stop lying and say
openly what is it you want. Stop dodging and disgracing
yourself by contradictory statements. Read that unfortunate
law of yours and apply it at least as it proscribes. In God's
name, at least put it in concert with the law on petty offenses
if you are not ready to respect the Serbian and the Yugoslav
constitutions and other existing laws.

It is your patriotic duty to as soon as possible replace this
monster law with a normal regulation. It is your moral
obligation to resign if you refuse of dare not do the above.
Enough&rsquo;s enough!

Milos Vasic,

President of the Independent Journalists Association of Serbia


relayed via

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edited by
published on: 1998-11-01
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