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Date: 1998-12-17

Warum Larry Bill nicht mag

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& dass Larry Oracle Bill Micro/soft in letzter Zeit selten
privat getroffen hat & warum Larrys Lektüre in letzter Zeit
dem Stand-Off Churchill vs Hitler gegolten hat & wer jetzt
eher Hitler & wer eher Churchill ist, enthüllt dieser

post/scrypt: Hat irgendwer nachgefragt, wie sich Scott
McSun als Josef Stalin fühlt?

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By Rob Guth IDG News Service, 12/16/98
Oracle Chairman and CEO Larry Ellison today shed light on
his long-running feud with Bill Gates
"We used to be friends a long time ago," Ellison said in
response to questions from IDG News Service.

Ellison used to spend "a good deal of social time with Bill.
Less so recently."
Prodded, Ellison said he is now into a book by historian John
Lukacs called "The Duel: 10 May - 31 July 1940: The Eighty
Day Struggle Between Churchill and Hitler." The 1992 work
recreates the tense standoff between Adolf Hitler and
Winston Churchill, the British Prime minister, as they eyed
each other across the English Channel during World War II.
Churchill is "the most important person of the 20th Century"
who achieved "nothing short of saving Western civilization,"
Ellison concluded. "I can't say that I identify with him but he
is certainly one of my heroes. Bill Gates is not."

full text

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-12-17
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