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Date: 1999-01-06

Macworld Hack: " Apple fusioniert mit Intel (APTEL)"

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q/depesche 99.1.6/1

Apple fusioniert mit Intel (APTEL)

und stellt auf Linux Slackware um, berichteten die ge/hackten
Websites von Macworld & MacWeek in schöner Eintracht am
Vorabend der Apfelweltaustellung Montag Nacht. Weil die
schwedischen Hacker ein Hintertürchen eingerichtet hatten,
erschien der Hoax noch 20 mal hintereinander bis weit in den
Dienstag hinein.

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James Glave
10:25 a.m. 5.Jan.99.PST A couple of Swedish crackers breached
the Web sites for Macworld and MacWeek magazines Monday night
and planted the bogus scoop.

"Today, Apple and Intel released the shocking news that they now
have merged into APTEL Inc., starting a new line of Computer
Systems featuring the Intel Pentium II processor and Linux
Slackware Operating System," the fake story read.

The crackers, calling themselves Sobber and Freddie, played a game
of cat and mouse with the Mac Publishing technical administrator,
republishing the story to the site around 20 times late Monday and
early Tuesday.
In an Internet relay chat interview with Freddie on Tuesday morning,
the 24-year-old said that he replaced the page "just for a laugh ...
and also to give 'em a li'l beating for not patching such an obvious

He was referring to a vulnerability in a version of the Solaris operating
system known as "rpc.ttdbserver." The exploit is known as a remote
buffer overflow, which occurs when the machine is given a value that
is much longer than expected.

They then hid a "back door" program on the Web server that gave
them access to the sites long after Mac Publishing content engineer
Jeff Cheney patched the initial hole.

full story

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q/depesche taeglich ueber
internationale hacks--.-zensur im netz
crypto--.-IT mergers--.-monopole
& die universalitaet digitaler dummheit
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published on: 1999-01-06
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