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Date: 1999-01-13

Intel's goldene Nase: Rekordgewinn in Quartal IV

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2 Milliarden Dollar Reingewinn bei 7,6 Milliarden Umsatz in
Quartal IV beschliessen das 12. Intel-Jahr in Folge bei linear
steigendem Umsatz.
Die Intel Aktie ist momentan knapp doppelt so viel wert, wie
noch im Sommer 1998.

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Larry Barrett
January 12, 1999 4:52pm To absolutely no one's surprise,
Intel Corp. (Nasdaq: INTC) smashed analysts' estimates in
its fourth quarter Tuesday, returning a profit of $2.1 billion, or
$1.19 a share, on record sales of $7.6 billion. Its shares
closed off 4 3/16 to 135 9/16 ahead of the earnings report.

First Call consensus expected Intel to earn $1.07 a share,
though "whisper" numbers circulating Wall Street pegged it
for a profit of at least $1.15 a share.
Company officials credited strong demand for its P6 micro
architecture products for the blowout fourth-quarter sales and

"Intel achieved its 12th consecutive year of revenue growth in
spite of the challenges of a turbulent market in 1998," said
chief executive Craig Barrett in a prepared release. "During
the fourth quarter we achieved record revenue in the
Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific."
For the year, Intel sees gross profit margins of about 57
percent, compared to 54 percent in 1998.
Believe it or not, Intel shares were trading at a 52-week low of
65 5/8 in June.

full text

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-01-13
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