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Date: 1999-01-28

Heute angesagt: Yahoo schnupft Geocities

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Wenn es denn wahr wird, was der Industry Standard vorab
erfahren haben will, dann wird Yahoo in ein paar Stunden
Geocities inhalieren. Letztgenannte Hoster von Homepages
sind mit fast drei Milliarden Dollar auf dem Markte
kapitalisiert, an beiden hält der japanische Grossinvestor
Softbank schon jeweils 29 Prozent.
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Jim Evans
Yahoo Thursday morning will hold a conference call with
analysts to disclose an agreement to acquire GeoCities,
sources say.

Terms weren't immediately available. Santa Monica, Calif.-
based GeoCities has a current market capitalization of about
$2.4 billion.

The deal would combine the leading Internet portal with the
largest home-page hosting community. Both companies are
backed by Softbank; the Japanese holding company owns
about 29 percent of both Yahoo and GeoCities. Investment
firm CMG owns 30.9 percent of GeoCities.

The news comes just weeks after Yahoo made a serious bid
to buy Excite. Excite instead chose to partner with AtHome
in a deal currently worth over $7 billion. Yahoo had also been
in the running to acquire Netscape, which accepted a bid
from America Online.
full text,1449,3300,00.html?
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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-01-28
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