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Date: 1999-02-05

China: Netzpolizei zensuriert Newsgroups

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Wie heute, Freitag, von AP gemeldet wurde, hat die erst
kürzlich aufgestellte Truppe der chinesischen Internet-
Überwachungspolizei wieder zugeschlagen. "Everything
under the Sun" eines der populärsten schwarzen Bretter im
chinesischen Internet wurde erst im offiziellen
Nachrichtenorgan der Internet-Polizei angeprangt & kurz
daraufhin kurzerhand zugesperrt. Die Diskutanten hatten es
gewagt, über das Massaker am Tien-An-Men Platz vor zehn
Jahren zu diskutieren.

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The bulletin board service, ``Everything Under the Sun'' _ on a
Web page run by a Chinese computer software company _
drew 60,000 messages in December and January, the Hong
Kong-based Information Center of Human Rights and
Democratic Movement in China said.

Message writers had become increasingly bold, even
discussing the 10th anniversary of the military's violent
quelling of the Tiananmen Square democracy movement on
June 4, the group said.
On Jan. 27, the newspaper run by China's top prosecutor's
office criticized bulletin board services like ``Everything Under
the Sun'' for attacking government policies and leaders, the
Information Center said.

By Feb. 1, the bulletin board, on the ``New Wave'' Web page
run by Stone Rich Sight Information Tech. Co. Ltd. had been
shut down, the Information Center said.

``New Wave is currently testing the forum and service has
been temporarily stopped for a portion of the forum,'' a
company notice on the bulletin board said Friday. It added
that people could still post messages on a related service, a
cultural forum sponsored by the official Beijing Evening News.
The attack on bulletin board services came amid a tightening
of government controls on the Internet.

A police directive issued last month ordered police precincts
nationwide to set up special task forces to monitor bulletin
board services and shut down those with seditious
messages, the Information Center has said.

Associated Press

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-02-05
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