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Date: 1999-02-07

Japan: Internet-Polizeitruppe aufgestellt

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Langsam aber sicher kriegt jedes Land eine eigene
Spezialeinheit zum Kampfe gegen Elektrokriminalität,
gewissermassen eine Kyberei.

post/scrypt: "Kiberer" (wienerisch/rotwelsch) steht für
"Polizist" .

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Due to open by July, the new headquarters for the National
Police Agency's ``cyber-cop'' squad signals growing concern
about computer security as more and more Japanese join the
global on-line revolution.

And while cases of unauthorized computer snooping in Japan
are still fewer than in the United States, a sharp jump in
computer-related crimes in recent years has rattled
authorities in Tokyo.
Breaking into a computer system isn't even a crime in Japan,
which sets it apart from most other major industrialized
Worry about the potential for computer-generated chaos has
prompted Tokyo to draft legislation to outlaw unauthorized
access. A bill is expected to be submitted in the current
session of Parliament, which ends in June.
The problem is still relatively new to Japan. In 1997 _ the
most recent year for which data is available _ the number of
high-tech crimes known to the Japanese police climbed to
263 cases, up from 178 cases the previous year and just 32
cases in 1993.
Japanese police suspect the true number of computer crimes
is several times higher than the official figures, and note that
many businesses keep security problems under wraps to
avoid negative publicity.
Associated Press

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-02-07
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