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Date: 1999-02-22

Gegen/gelesen: Source Code PGP 6.02i

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Zehn Tage hats nach Eintreffen gebraucht, jetzt ist der Source
Code ge/ge/n ge/lesen .Die Gelegenheit, Argumente für den
Verdacht auf einge/baute Hintertüren vorzulege/n ist damit da.

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PGP 6.0.2i available

The PGP 6 source code books have now been completely scanned
and proof-read, and we have created an international version: PGP

Binaries for Windows are available for now, and binaries for
MacOS will be ready soon. At the moment, there is no Unix
version of PGP 6.0, so you'll have to use 5.0 instead.

relayed by
Michael "Security" Sicher

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edited by
published on: 1999-02-22
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