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Date: 1999-06-23

Krypto: Anfechtung des Bernstein-Urteils im Netz

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Der Einspruch der Anwälte der US-Regierung gegen die
Entscheidung des 9th Circuit Court im Falle Bernstein gegen
die USA ist jetzt online.

Das bisherige Stand der Dinge spricht dem
Krypto/programmierer das Recht auf Export seines eigenen
Werks in Form des Source Code zu.

Location: Wo sonst, als auf John Youngs unverzichtbarer Site

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So fängt der Einspruch an:

The President of the United States has determined that the
uncontrolled export of encryption products would compromise
this country's foreign intelligence-gathering capabilities and
jeopardize important national security and foreign policy

The President therefore has directed the Department of
Commerce to regulate the export of encryption products
under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

In this case, a divided panel of this Court has now reached
the extraordinary conclusion that the encryption export
provisions of the EAR are invalid on their face and in their
entirety, thereby opening the door to the unrestricted export
of encryption products.

In so doing, the panel majority has overridden all important
Presidential decision regarding national security and foreign
policy. If left in place, the panel's decision will gravely
compromise the ability of the United States to control the
export of encryption products to potentially hostile foreign

relayed by
Jagdish Parikh

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edited by
published on: 1999-06-23
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