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Date: 1999-08-17

Vor/sintflut: Wieder US Kryptogesetz mit Key Escrow

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Der sogenannte Cyberspace Electronic Security Act ist der x-te
Anlauf seit den Anfängen des Clipper Chip [1994] durch die
Administration Clinton, per Gesetz Key Escrow [Pflicht zur
Schlüsselhinterlegung] einzuführen, um gewissen Diensten Zugriff auf
den gesamten verschlüsselten Mailverkehr zu geben.

Auf dieses "vorsintflutliche Unternehmen" - wie es Declan Mc Cullagh
von Wired nennt - hat eine Gruppe von Kongress/abgeordneten
reagiert, indem man dem Präsidenten einen Gegenentwurf
zukommen ließ: Erstmals per E-Mail und PGP-signiert.
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relyaed by mea culpa via
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The Cyberspace Electronic Security Act, the drafting of which is
being led by the Office and Management and Budget and the Justice
Department, "updates law enforcement and privacy rules for our
emerging world of widespread cryptography," according to an
analysis accompanying the bill obtained by Federal Computer Week.

Encryption technology, according to the draft, is "an important tool
for protecting the privacy of legitimate communications and stored
data" but also has been used "to facilitate and hide unlawful activity
by terrorists, drug traffickers, child pornographers and other
criminals." The new bill seeks to uncover that activity by allowing law
enforcement officials to obtain the keys needed to decrypt messages
by applying for search warrants or court orders, much as they might
do to uncover other evidence.

The administration is concerned about the use of encryption
technology because advances in recent years have made it
extremely difficult for law enforcement officials to crack a code once
they have intercepted a message.
Full Text
Wired Story

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published on: 1999-08-17
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