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Date: 2001-02-04

AU: Totale Telekom-Ueberwachung in Zahlen

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Laut offiziöser Aussage der Australian Communications
Authority wurden 1999 und 2000 von den Telekoms,
Handeynetzbetreibern und ISPs in AU pro Arbeitstag knapp
4000 Anfragen der gesetzlich ermächtigten Behörden nach
Verbindungsdaten [wer mit wem wann wie lange und von wo
kommuniziert] positiv erledigt. In keinem Fall war dafür der
Bescheid eines ordentlichen Gerichts notwendig, die
Anfragen der Nachrichtendienste sind in dieser Zahl nicht

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Relayed by Julian Assange <>
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BRENDAN NICHOLSON THE AGE Sunday 4 February 2001

Watchdog groups are demanding urgent changes to a
system that last year allowed police and other government
agencies to access confidential phone records on more than
a million occasions without search warrants.

The Australian Communications Authority has confirmed that
telecommunications companies passed on information to law-
enforcement and other government agencies 998,548 times
in 1999-2000 - a move condemned as wholesale invasion of

The extraordinary access to phone records does not include
information given to the Australian Security Intelligence
Organisation, which is believed to be substantial and which
the agency is not obliged to disclose.

The information revealed included telephone accounts,
numbers dialled, the time calls were made and their duration,
and use of the Internet. These disclosures were made at a
rate of more than 19,000 a week, or nearly 4000 on any
working day.

This process is separate from telephone interception, or
phone tapping, which has also increased dramatically in the
past three years, but which requires law-enforcement officers
to obtain a warrant.

The scant information about the process was released by the
communications authority in a written answer to a question
asked by the Federal Opposition during Senate hearings.

But the ease and frequency with which police and other
agencies are combing through phone records triggered
serious concerns about the system's lack of privacy

Mr Chris Maxwell, QC, president of Liberty Victory, the
Victorian Council for Civil Liberties, said the figures revealed a
wholesale invasion of privacy. "People's phone records are
their private affair. No one else should have access to them
except in exceptional circumstances.

"Police access to phone records has apparently become a
matter of routine."

Mr Maxwell said the Federal Government should take action
immediately to find how and why this had occurred and to
change the rules so that access was limited to cases of
serious crime.
Tim Dixon, chairman of the Australian Privacy Foundation,
set up in response to public concerns about the Australia
Card in 1987, said a colossal amount of information was
being collected.
"It sounds as though they are using it as an ordinary person
uses directory service."

Mr Dixon suggested that an ombudsman could audit the
process by randomly selecting 1000 examples of access to
information and examining why it was sought and whether it
was justified.
"But at the moment there is no mechanism like that, and
given the enormous number of occasions when information is
being obtained I can't imagine that there is any restraint on
using those powers.

"It could clearly be abused and none of us would know."

Democrats privacy spokeswoman Senator Natasha Stott-
Despoja said she was astounded that such a vast amount of
information was being handed over without adequate
The Telecommunications Act of 1997 allows
telecommunications companies to release information to
federal and state law-enforcement agencies without seeing a
warrant if the agencies satisfy them that disclosure is
"reasonably necessary".

Ninety-eight per cent of the disclosures were made by
Telstra, Cable and Wireless Optus and Vodafone.

Labor frontbencher Laurie Brereton said it was clear from the
massive number of disclosures that access to records was
"a matter of casual and routine procedure".

The system could also allow whistleblowers to be hunted
down and persecuted, he said.

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edited by Harkank
published on: 2001-02-04
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