Big Brother Awards
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Date: 2001-09-14

NY: Techies of the world, NYC needs you!

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q/depesche 01.9.14/2

NY: Techies of the world, New York City needs you

Das Rote Kreuz in NYC braucht nicht nur dringend Blutspenden,
sondern auch jede Menge Tech-Equipment.

Das WTC war einer der wichtigsten Communication-Hubs für
Manhattan. Mit dem Gebäude liegen nun auch sämtliche
Kommunikationseinrichtungen und Antennen in Schutt und Asche.

In einem dramatischen Aufruf an die "Techies of the world" ersucht
Joe Leo, stellvertretender Direktor des Amerikanischen Roten Kreuzes
in New York, um dringende Bereitstellung von Skills, Hardware und

"Essentially, anything you can give us, we can use."

Noch deutlicher drückt es Frederick Addorama (nunmehr
arbeitsloser Netzwerk-Admin) aus:

"If you are a geek in New York, I'd strongly suggest that you
head over to the nearest police station, Red Cross office, or
emergency center and volunteer your time and expertise."

"And if you are not here, please come if you can. If you don't
have skills, send computer equipment. If you don't have equipment,
sponsor a techie. Get them here. We need them."

"Whatever you have that you can spare, you can bet this city
needs it," the spokesman said.,1282,46821,00.html

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edited by Harkank
published on: 2001-09-14
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