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Date: 2002-03-11

Der ICANN/Rollback

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O'Reilly Regular Andy Oram über das Enron/Feeling und den
ICANN/Rollback. Wir verweisen nur auf Andy Müller-Maguhns Anmerkungen
über den Internet/Polizeistaat USA.
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When the Enron scandal broke, many analysts warned, "There are lots of
other Enrons out there." One such corporation, ICANN, is in the process of
breaking up now.

Like Enron, ICANN led a charmed life and received favor after favor from
governments and corporations alike, in disregard of its dubious behavior. Like
Enron, ICANN was run like a private corporation but threw its weight around
everywhere on public policy. Like Enron, ICANN had every avenue open to
success and yet failed, wasting huge amounts of money in the process.
ICANN is even facing its own incipient financial scandal, stemming from its
refusal to show its books to one of its own Board members.

On February 24 came the latest in a series of scathing critiques of ICANN
that have emerged on a regular basis since the institution was first proposed
out of the blue to a surprised public by the Internet Assigned Number
Authority and the monopoly domain name registrar, Network Solutions. What
is novel about the current critique is its author—the president of ICANN.

Many of President M. Stuart Lynn's critical points are reminiscent of those
leveled by critics outside ICANN:

That it has made little progress on the key Internet issues for which it was

That it is encumbered with a structure far more complex than its tasks or
size demand.

That its attempts at accountability are "artificial."

That it is living outside of its financial means.

That its obscurantist process has driven away many important potential

Mr. Lynn's solutions differ radically, of course, from those of the best-known
critics outside the organizations. These critics have highlighted the far-
reaching implications of his proposals by calling them "ICANN 2.0." Even that
epithet understates the case, because Lynn is actually threatening to revoke
all the contracts and memoranda on which ICANN was based and start over,
doing whatever he wants in their stead.

Recalling the original documents and "near consensus" that predated ICANN,
law professor Michael Froomkin writes, "The Lynn paper seeks to throw it all
out, pretty much single handedly, and does so in a way that does violence to
the substance and spirit of the original deal—and without much thought for
what motivated it either."

To start with, Lynn's definition of the problems is self-serving. For instance,
he is correct to label as overly ambitious, and perhaps counterproductive,
ICANN's attempt to set up elections that involve every interested Internet user
in the whole world. However, he wouldn't dare admit that this experiment,
awkward as it was, created just about the only toehold for democratic activity
in ICANN. In fact, two well-informed and severe critics of the organization
were elected to the board, and this is probably what scared its leaders away
from voting, not its theoretical weaknesses. (I don't feel sure, though, that an
expansion of this cumbersome voting method would have produced more
democracy. It might well have led to abuse and capture once powerful
observers figured out how to play the game.)

I admire Lynn's boldness in throwing off the cloak of rhetoric and bureaucracy
that has shielded ICANN up to now from facing its problems. He has taken
the gamble of opening up a debate that ICANN proponents have been
vigorously suppressing for four years. The question is, since ICANN has
failed, why should we bother listening to a solution that comes from inside

Given that ICANN made only laughable and token efforts in major areas (such
as its seven new top-level domains), and given that it has renounced the
"appropriate membership mechanisms" required by the memorandum in
which the U.S. Commerce Department gave ICANN legal backing, why
should we prolong its expensive tenure or grant its leaders any more power?

(The origin of the "appropriate membership mechanisms" clause is
historically pertinent. The Commerce Department was persuaded by a group
of expert critics, the Boston Working Group, to insert this clause. It was
seen as a necessary check on the power of a private corporation that
controls a key part of the information infrastructure. One of the Boston
Working Group members, Karl Auerbach, became one of the dissident board
members elected through the democratic experiment that resulted from the
clause. He has subsequently challenged many of the organization's seamy
procedures and made it harder for the old boys' club to roll along as it had

What is to prevent the Commerce Department from thanking all the ICANN
board members, staff, and volunteers for their efforts, then sending them
home? We could easily roll back the debate four years and start again the
public process that was aborted by the creation of ICANN. If Lynn were really
willing to make "hard decisions" and work from a "candid assessment of
ICANN's performance," he would have reached the same conclusion.

Several observers, including David R. Johnson and Susan P. Crawford in their
paper ICANN 2.0, explain that ICANN is under contract to domain-name
registries and registrars and cannot unilaterally change all the rules of the
game. Lynn's proposals were rejected even by RIPE NCC, an IP address
assignment authority and one of the Internet's most central and long-
established organizations.

Many who currently follow ICANN's antics do not know what the domain
name debate was like before ICANN was proposed. In truth, many healthy
activities were taking place. In 1997 and 1998, the Commerce Department
started an open, public comment process and released a White Paper that
provided a focal point for all the groups interested in domain names. The
locus for discussion was called the International Forum on the White Paper
(IFWP) and was the only organization in the history of this sorry affair that
included all stake-holders. They were making progress toward consensus,
too, when they were pre-empted and undermined by the proposal to create

The initial board of ICANN was chosen by a small group of people in a secret
process. No one on that board had prior experience in areas of Internet
policy. The backers of ICANN probably thought this strategy would maximize
the power of the puppeteers hidden in the rafters, but instead it created
paralysis and incompetence. Thus, ICANN did not fulfill the White Paper so
much as flout it. The organization has labored unsuccessfully since its
inception to gain legitimacy; in his aggressive treatment Lynn could well have
dealt his patient the death blow.

The environment now is quite different from what it was in the Spring of 1998,
of course. The World Intellectual Property Organization is trying to make
policy in domain names, as the U.S. government asked it to do in the White
Paper (though it certainly needed no invitation). Relationships between
participants in the debate have been reshuffled by new laws such as the ill-
considered "Trademark Cyberpiracy Prevention Act," passed by the U.S. in a
whirlwind of back-hall trading. Good or bad, such laws have given trademark
holders the powers they were asking ICANN and WIPO for.

Meanwhile, many of the best contributors to the debate in 1998 have
experienced cynicism and burn-out. Few people have the patience for a truly
consensual decision-making process; someone is going to have to take a
little more control. This time, however, the solution should reflect the
expertise of Internet leaders who have studied the domain name issue all
these years.

As Lynn points out in his report, the high-tech economy is very different now
from when ICANN was formed. This may actually be good for debate. The dot-
com boom of the late 1990s made corporations drunk with excitement about
getting on the Internet; they felt that the Information Highway was paved with
gold that was theirs to enjoy if only they gained control. That is why the
stakes seemed so high in the debate between trademark holders and
ordinary folks on the Internet. Now these businesses are humbler and less
convinced that domination will lead to profit. A sane policy for domain names
is possibly more likely to get a hearing.

ICANN itself has changed the environment in ways that we can't reverse, and
probably don't want to. For instance, there's no point in eliminating the
handful of new top-level domains they created, or in taking away the power of
the new registrars with which they signed contracts. But the significance of
these domains and registrars (such as it is) will soon vanish in the swarm of
new TLDs that a new body can create. This would also be a good time to
recognize the thriving world of alternative domains that is already in operation
thanks to the Open Root Server Confederation (ORSC), Name.Space,, and others.

Noch wesentlich mehr

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edited by Harkank
published on: 2002-03-11
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