Biometrics doqu/base
The biometrics doq/ubase is a collection of biometrics related documents focusing on the current processes of worldwide biometrics standardization and implementation thereof in machine readable travel documents [MRTDs] e.g. European passports. The quintessential collection is to facilitate and encourage scientific research in this highly invasive technology that originated from the heart of the electronic-military complex and is currently invading civil societies all over the world.
The documents originate from various sources thant range from international bodies like ISO or ICAO, to political institutions [US, EU], biometrics related companies, various industry lobby groups and government agencies like the NSA. Most of them have been available for free or still are although distributed on various servers.
In phase A we start with the publication of a dozen or so key doquments that give an idea who is involved and how fast the process is running. Current status [December 25 2003] of the biometrics doqubase is 100 MB of doquments sorted, indexed and set into a timeline. Another gigabyte of data have been acquired and will be integrated into the doq/ubase during the first half of 2004.
see also: q/depesche on biometrics
shortcut for this page: http://quintessenz.org/biometrics/doqubase