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Date: 1998-11-02

Neue Linux Flirts: Sun & HP

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q/depesche 98.11.2/1
updating 98.10.26/2

Neue Linux Flirts: Sun & HP

Wenn die kybernetischen Gazetten die bisher für den
"Browser War" reservierten Kriegsmetaphern zunehmend in
Zusammenhang mit der Dichotomie "Linux gegen Windows
NT" verwenden, geschieht dies nicht ganz ohne Grund. Sun
& HP überlegen grade laut Portierungen, Intel hat bereits
überlegt, Oracle sowieso.
Nur bei Microsoft meint man, dass Linux allenfalls der UNIX-
Welt schaden wird.

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Benjamin Keyser
5:35 AM PT, Oct 31, 1998 A gradual warming of relations
between the Unix and Linux communities is spawning a new
front in the war between Unix and Windows NT.
On the standards front, Linux International, an association of
vendors that add services, support, training, and software
value to Linux, is close to making a decision about a
common Linux code. The forthcoming standard is expected
to be presented to the Open Group, which certifies different
flavors of Unix, in the hopes of obtaining Unix branding for
Sources said Sun is also having internal discussions about
providing Solaris APIs that allow Solaris applications to run
on Linux. But complex questions remain because Sun
markets Solaris for Intel, which competes directly with Linux.
Sun would benefit greatly by the adoption of Linux in the
midrange market because Linux also runs well on low-end 64-
bit Sun Sparc servers, according to one industry expert.
"We do see Linux fitting into our product line," said Dan
Glessner, director of marketing for Hewlett-Packard's 9000
Unix servers, in Cupertino, Calif. "We are evaluating a port of
Linux to PA-RISC. But Linux would never get close to the
capabilities of HP-UX."
SCO Unix and Microsoft Windows NT may cost between
$4,000 and $5,000 for a basic enterprise server for 50 users,
and the comparable Linux server may cost as little as $300,
said Dan Kusnetzky, program director at International Data
Corp., in Boston.

For its part, Intel recognizes a potential new hardware market
based on Linux servers. It created the Uniform Driver Interface
initiative to develop a common standard for device drivers
written for Unix on Intel hardware. Sun, Compaq, HP, SCO,
and Linux vendors are members of the group.
The upcoming release of the 64-bit Merced processor is
motivating Intel to find a viable operating system for that
platform. Linux already has 64-bit versions, while Microsoft is
late on delivering Windows 2000, formerly named NT 5.0.

Although Microsoft officially recognized Linux as a competitor
in its SEC filing this fall, the software giant's rhetoric remains

"The greatest impact of Linux is the further cannibalization of
the Unix marketplace," said Ed Muth, group product
marketing manager for the enterprise at Microsoft, in
Redmond, Wash.

full text
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published on: 1998-11-02
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