Big Brother Awards
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Date: 1998-11-04

Big Brother Awards: Simon Davies resuemiert

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Big Brother Awards: Simon Davies resümiert

Wie zieht man ohne sonderliche Geldmittel eine
Veranstaltung auf, die erstens weltweites Aufsehen erregt,
zweitens die internationale Allianz der Überwacher blamiert
und drittens auch noch unterhaltsam ist? Simon Davies,
Initiator der Big Brother Awards schreibt, wie das im United
Kingdom ging.

Wer immer vom geschätzen Publico auf dieser Liste den
Drang verspürt, einen nationalen Big Brother Award zu
organisieren, schicke einfach eine Mail retour.
Die Zeit ist mehr als reif dafür.

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Dear friends and colleagues,

First of all, many many thanks for helping to make last
week's Big Brother Awards such a wonderful, fun and
successful event. I've had tremendous feedback from all over
the place, so I thought you may like an update and summary.

Something like 250 people came along to the ceremony at
the LSE. It was an exttraordinary bunch, ranging from
hardcore activists to Nobel Laureats. The wine wasn't bad
either. Mark Thomas from Channel 4 gave an excellent
performance as MC, as did the band and DJ. The audiovisual
back-up, which included footage of uniformed police dragging
a PI member out of the DTI building after trying to present an
award, went off (almost) without a hitch.

The Winston recipients - Esther Bull, SchNews, Alan Lodge,
Harry Cohen MP and Lindis Percy - accepted their awards
with style and substance - more than can be said for the
"boot on the head" winners.

Considering this was the first such award ceremony, media
presence was strong. Numerous camera and TV crews were
present including BBC 2, France National Television, Sky
News and Undercurrents. The event featured heavily on BBC
World Service, and we appeared on numerous programmes
such as The World Tonight. We also got small pieces in
Businessweek, The Daily Telegraph, The Express, The Mail
on Sunday, The Guardian etc. Unfortunately, the following
day's papers let us down - on this occasion.

Media interest overseas was also strong, with coverage in
Poland, Germany, Austria, the US, Canada, South Africa,
France, Netherlands and Denmark. This has helped catalyse
a move in some of these countries to replicate our event. I
feel certain we will have Big Brother Awards in at least half a
dozen countries within a year.

And I'm delighted to be able to tell you that the first such
event will be held in Washington DC on April 6, 1999. It will
be a parallel event at the Computers, Freedom & Privacy
(CFP) conference.

The awards have, in my view, achieved two very important
outcomes. First, they have brought an unprecedented
number of people together in the name of privacy, and this
has proved an invaluable networking experience. The second
important outcome is that we appear to have created a
cultural shorthand for the things we have been striving for over
the years. I've suspected for some time that we need a
symbol for privacy invasion.

There's no doubt that this event will be eagerly awaited each
year, and I'd like to propose Monday October 18 1999 for our
next Big Brother Awards. Malcolm Hutty has kindly set up a
list for this, and I'll send details about this shortly.

Did we learn any hard lessons from this event ? A few, but I
think we got the formula just about right. We could have done
with a cleaner A/V set-up and a higher stage, and perhaps
better media prompting, but all in all we all did magnificently.

Again, many thanks to everyone who helped (I counted more
than fifty people), and especially to Killing Secrets for its
generous sponsorship.

Best wishes


-- ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

Simon Davies Visiting Fellow Computer Security Research
Centre The London School of Economics

Telephone (+44) (0) 958 466 552

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edited by
published on: 1998-11-04
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