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Date: 1999-02-08

Microsoft & British Telecom: Mobiles Kind geplant

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Noch ist es nicht offiziell, aber für heute wird die
Ankündigung eines Joint Ventures zwischen Microsoft und
British Telecom erwartet. Das Unternehmen soll auf dem
Sektor mobiler Internet-Zugänge für Handheld-PCs gegen das
Konsortium Psion, Nokia & Motorola antreten.

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Adam Creed,
LONDON, ENGLAND, 1999 FEB 8 Microsoft Corp.
[NASDAQ:MSFT] and British Telecommunications Plc. (BT)
are about to announce a joint venture to provide wireless
access to the Internet using Windows CE devices, according
to the Financial Times.

The announcement of the venture is expected to be made by
Microsoft's Paul Maritz at a wireless communications
conference in New Orelans today, reports the Monday edition
of the newspaper.

The venture would put the two companies in direct
competition with the Motorola, Nokia and Psion project to
deliver Net access to handheld computers via mobile phones.
Microsoft responded by forming WirelessKnowledge with
Qualcomm Inc. [NASDAQ:QCOM]. The WirelessKnowledge
venture was designed to advance Microsoft's CE OS (rather
than the OS developed for Psion handhelds) and Qualcomm's
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) wireless technology.

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-02-08
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