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Date: 1999-01-25

US/Beamte dealen Daten

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Dass Behörden Passbilder an Journalisten individuell
ver/dealen, ist man seit Anbruch des Zeitalters der Yellow
Press gewohnt. Nunmehro wird im fort/geschrittensten Teil
des Netzes derlei - tendenziell flächendeckend - mit
Datenbank/brüdern probiert.

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Robert O'Harrow Jr.
Jan 22, 1999 For the first time since authorities began
snapping photographs of drivers for licenses, state officials
have begun selling the images wholesale.
In the past several months, South Carolina has released 3.5
million digital photographs, Florida has started the process of
transferring 14 million images in its files and other states
have expressed interest in doing the same.

The buyer is Image Data LLC, a small New Hampshire
company that wants to build a national database of photos
and personal information to help retailers prevent identity theft
Image Data's computers can flash the photo of person named
on a credit card or a check to a small screen near a cash
register when a transaction begins.
. Such records are routinely sold by many states and have
become a computerized staple for direct marketers,
information services and others in recent years.

But by adding photographs into the mix, Image Data has
crossed into new territory.
The nascent service, already operating on a limited basis in
South Carolina, is part of a growing number of surveillance
and identification systems that take advantage of computers,
electronic networks, personal information, video images,
fingerprints and other identifying data, generally in the quest
for security.
Some automated teller machines now require users to offer a
finger for scanning rather than a bank card to get access.
And growing numbers of banks, including First Union, require
some people to provide a thumbprint before cashing their
Image Data bought the photographs for about a penny each.
Those images will be cross-referenced to personal
information gleaned from public and private sources. In
addition to a name and address, the company's databases
will hold an individual's Social Security number, age, sex,
race and other details from a driver's file, as well as limited
information about each transaction.

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-01-25
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