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Date: 1999-01-25

Linux: Neuer Kernel, neue Liebe

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Als neue Fans des Pinguins stellen sich Hewlett Packard,
Compaq, Tivoli & Lotus (IBM) in einer langen schon recht
langen Linux/Lover/Reihe an. Linus himself wird diese Woche
mit dem neuen Kernel 2.2.0 an die Öffentlichkeit gehen.

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David Pendery, Dan Briody, Ed Scannell
7:15 AM PT, Jan 23, 1999

... both Hewlett-Packard and Tivoli Systems planning to
extend their management platforms to the open-source Linux
platform, according to high-ranking officials at the two

In addition, Compaq is expected to Linux-enable its Alpha
systems soon, according to a source familiar with Compaq's
plans. Also, Lotus officials this week confirmed that the
company plans to release Notes on Linux before the end of
the year in response to market demand.

In the midst of growing Linux activity, Linux inventor Linus
Torvalds next week plans to announce Version 2.2.0 of the
Linux kernel, which will feature improvements in file systems,
multiprocessing, and security, as well as platform support for
Sparc64, Alpha, and PowerPC.
IBM, meanwhile, has slowly been expanding is Linux
commitment, first with beta releases of its DB2 database and
Transarc network file system, and now with pending support
from Lotus and Tivoli.

"We have done a fair amount of engineering, and have a
version of Tivoli running Linux in our labs," said Tom Bishop,
chief technology officer at Tivoli Systems, in Austin, Texas.
"We see no technical or engineering hurdles that would
prevent us from delivering a Linux product. Our view is that
it's a good platform, a high-quality Unix implementation."
On the hardware front, a source familiar with Compaq's plans
said the company will announce support for Linux on its
Alpha systems later this month, and that various support and
development programs are planned.

Full Text
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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-01-25
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