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Date: 1999-01-25

Intel Identi/chip: Ruf nach Boykott

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Gegen das geplante Feature - die neuen Intel/chips sollen
unverwechselbare Identitäten erhalten - formiert sich immer
mehr Widerstand. Ausser den "usual suspects" wie dem
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) ist ein erster
Abgeordneter zum US-Kongress ziemlich schnell

post/scrypt: Inzwischen geht die Rede von Boykott - kommt
noch mehr..

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Robert MacMillan
Rep. Edward J. Markey, D-Mass., the ranking Democrat on
the House Telecommunications, Trade and Consumer
Protection Subcommittee, Friday bluntly stated that "Intel's
new product improves technology for online commerce in a
way that compromises personal privacy.

"I hope that Intel will seek to design its products to improve
the security of electronic commerce transactions without
putting consumer privacy at risk," Markey wrote in a letter to
Intel Chief Executive Officer Craig Barrett.
Markey's concern revolves around the new line of Pentium III
chips which will contain unique identification numbers. While
the individual ID will help authenticate the identity of a user,
which in theory would contribute to honesty in electronic
commerce, privacy advocates say that the chip would leave a
user's fingerprints all over the Internet.

According to Green Brook, N.J.-based Junkbusters, one of
the privacy groups participating in the boycott, "We see no
other plausible means of stopping the irreparable harm to
Internet privacy that would be caused by Intel's inclusion of
(an ID number) in its next major chip."

The Washington, D.C.-based Electronic Privacy Information
Center (EPIC) also is participating in the boycott.
The tracking system on the chip can be switched off, but it
automatically reactivates when the user's computer is turned
off and then turned on again.
EPIC, according to the Associated Press, plans to meet later
this week with officials from the Federal Trade Commission
(FTC), to discuss the Pentium III plans. The FTC currently is
preparing to bring an antitrust law violation case against Intel
before an impartial administrative law judge.

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-01-25
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