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Date: 1999-01-26

Identi/chip: Intel gibt klein bei

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q/depesche 99.1.26/1
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Identi/chip: Intel gibt klein bei

Die Aufrufe zum Boykott, das umgebaute Intel/logo "big
brother inside", die Wortmeldung eines Abgeordneten zum
US-Kongress haben dazu geführt, dass Intel seine Pläne für
den Identi/chip täglich zurückgeschraubt hat. Der letzte
Stand der Dinge kommt einer Aufgabe gleich: die ID wird
serienmässig ausgeschaltet & *kann* im Bedarfsfall aktiviert

post/scrypt: Die beiden weiter unten zitierten Aktivisten sind
als Mitglieder der Global Internet Liberty Campaign dem
p.t.dauer/publikum dieser Liste wohl nicht mehr ganz
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Robert O'Harrow Jr. and Elizabeth Corcoran
Intel Corp. yesterday abruptly backed away from plans for its
new silicon chips to automatically issue a unique
identification number on the Internet, after critics complained
that the technology could expose computer users to privacy
"This is a significant victory for privacy," said Barry
Steinhardt, associate director for the American Civil Liberties
Union, who praised Intel for responding to the criticism so
quickly. "They did it on Internet time."
Chuck Mulloy, a spokesman for the Santa Clara, Calif.,
company, acknowledged that Intel is reversing course to
show consumers it is sensitive to acute concerns about
privacy aired last week after the chip's design was

"We're listening to what the marketplace is telling us, that
they would prefer to turn it on as opposed to turning it off,"
Mulloy said. "You must account for privacy if you're going to
have security."
"The default for privacy should be no ID number," said David
Banisar, policy director for the Electronic Privacy Information
Center, a advocacy group in Washington that helped
organize the Intel boycott.
full text ml
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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-01-26
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