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Date: 1999-01-26

Compaq gibt Altavista frei

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q/depesche 99.1.26/2

Compaq gibt Altavista frei

Im Zug des Höhenflugs der Aktien von Yahoo und anderen
Portalen hat sich der Übernahme/eigentümer Compaq nun
offenbar entschlossen, das zu tun, wozu sich die mittlerweile
Compaq einverleibte Digital Equiment Corporation nie
entschliessen konnte. Die Nummer 12 unter den US-Sites
wird mit Gratismail, Downloads, Nachrichten & Pipapo zu
einem vollwertigen Portale ausgebaut. So manche Analysten
freilich raunen, für einen Börsegang sei es zu spät.

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Eric Auchard
January 26, 1999 6:09 AM PT AltaVista, which bills itself as
a leading Internet navigation guide, ranked as the No. 12
most visited Web site in December according to market
research from Media Metrix, which tracks Internet usage
among computer users at home and work. "AltaVista is a
prime target for going out and raising a couple of billion
dollars in this kind of market," said John Robb, an Internet
analyst with consulting firm Gomez Advisors of Concord,
Mass. "I think Compaq just wants to take it public or take a
portion of it public.
But Ashok Kumar, a financial analyst who follows Compaq
for brokerage Piper Jaffray, said a spin-off would be
premature. "They need to build critical mass for AltaVista
first," Kumar said. In particular, he dismissed the chance that
Compaq would acquire another top-tier Internet player, citing
the rich valuations of many publicly-traded Internet
Analysts said AltaVista may have missed the boat by failing
more quickly to become a catch-all Internet media "portal," or
destination site that can attract a wide potential audience of
online ad viewers and electronic commerce customers.

full text

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-01-26
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