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Date: 2002-03-16

ES: User tracken Cops

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Was in der Jungsteinzeit des Info-Zeitalters unter dem Motto "Bürger
beobachten die Polizei" im echten Leben gelaufen ist, feiert nun seine
Urständ im vernetzten. Als die Aktivisten von Nodo50 - so genannte
"Globalisierungsgegner" - bemerkten, dass von Rechnern verschiedener
Polizeiorgansiationen permanent auf den nodo50-Server zu gegriffen wurde,
entschloss man sich, den Spieß umzudrehen und die Cops einmal zur
Abwechslung zu tracken.

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In this report we will explain how Nodo50 has been monitored by the Ministry
of Internal Affairs in order to point out that the Government knows everything
that the Antiglobalisation Movement thinks and discusses. Hence it is lying
when it maintains that violent actions are being prepared from Nodo50
including production of a sabotage manual, urban guerrilla warfare etc.

"On December 11th, the Head Director of the Spanish Police, Juan Cotino,
declared to the EFE news agency that the Anti-globalisation Movement
represented a threat to national security on the occasion of the semester of
the Spanish presidency of the EU, comparing it implicitly to terrorism. He
also declared that the security forces are investigating the Anti-globalisation
Movement" (Source: El Mundo, http://www.el-

On January 25th 2002 we read in the Spanish mass media of the "fears" of
the Spanish Internal Affairs Ministry. An unidentified spokesman alerted
officials of the supposed arrival of "4,000 antisystem militants", gathering to
demonstrate against the EU summits which will be celebrated during the first
semester of this year. Of the many comments, we want to emphasize the
following in particular:

"One and a half months ago, the police information services detected a
meeting in Zaragoza of radical groups, anarchists, squatters and supporters
of leftish "abertzale", at which they suspect protest actions were being
prepared for the six months of the Spanish presidency".

This news and the nature of the information filtered from the police suggests
that "something suspicious" was being prepared in Zaragoza. The news,
gilded with violent shades, gives the impression that what was in reality a
public and open meeting of the Antiglobalitation Movement, was little less
than a clandestine meeting to destabilize the Spanish Presidency of the EU.

In this report we will explain how Nodo50 has been monitored by the Ministry
of Internal Affairs in order to point out that the Government knows everything
that the Antiglobalitation Movement thinks and discusses. Hence it is lying
when it maintains that violent actions are being prepared from Nodo50
including production of a sabotage manual, urban guerrilla warfare etc. Most
of the information included in this report is extracted from our server "logs".
Neither special knowledge nor espionage skills has been necessary to
collect this information: only the ability to read.

A clear example of what we considered media manipulation coordinated by
the police is the note of the Colpisa Agency of January 13th 2002 which can
be read at:

The poisonous nature of this information demonstrates clearly that the
Ministry of Internal Affairs has the objective of preparing the ground for
repression of the organs of communication of the Anti-globalisation
Movement. A previous campaign of criminalization as a basic tool and means
for power control is well understood by Mr. Cotino. Indeed it was this news
from Colpisa that encourage us to make this investigation.

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edited by
published on: 2002-03-16
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