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Date: 2002-04-10

No Subject

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The identity of the owners of these IP numbers can be verified by using:

In all cases, the IP addresses correspond to a set of proxy servers. We have
determined that behind the proxy servers were: 8 computers in the case of
the Police, 4 in the case of the Guardia Civil and 3 in the case of the
Ministery of Interior.

The activity of the National Police is daily. From 8.30 in the morning until
21.00 during working days, with brief pauses at 10:00hs. (the coffee break)
and a break of one hour between 15:00 and 16:00 (lunch and change of
agents). There is also activity on Sundays though for less hours. In the days
prior to the Summit of Ministers of Interior and Defense of Santiago de
Compostela the activity was more intense, from 7:30 to 23:30 almost without

The activity of the Guardia Civil is also daily. It normally begins in the morning
around 10:00 and continues until 14:00. The pause for coffee is shorter and
the activity in the evening is minimal.

The activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is far less. On many days there
is no activity, and when active, only for an hour or two.

In any case, all of the monitoring is by human intervention. We are not aware
of any massive downloads of web pages by means of software for later


The mailing list of most interest to the security agensies is the anti-, a private mailing list dedicated to coordination of the
different antiglobalisation organizations.

We have ascertained that the following addresses have subscribed to the anti-
ue list from Police computers: - decancienes@xxxx.xx the 24/09/2001 -
juanpedelucas@xxxx.xx the 25/09/2001 - pedritoanarka@xxxx.xx the

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edited by
published on: 2002-04-10
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